Report on Custom Tables – Get Table Name, Record Count, Date of Latest Record

Creative way to generate a csv/excel report for all custom tables (ua_custom_table_inventory). This can be very useful to help identify things that can be cleaned up, such as unused custom tables. For this solution, I kept it simple and created a fix script to generate a csv file, but obviously there are other ways to implement. Once you run the fix script, it attaches a csv file to the fix script record so you can easily download the file.

Information includes:

Table Name

Application Scope

Number of Records in Table

Time Stamp of Last Record.

Create a Fix Script

(This should go without saying, always test in sub-prod first)

Name: Custom Table Tracker


var headers = ["Table Name", "Application", "Record Count", "Latest Record"];
var fileName = new GlideDateTime().toString() + '_CustomTables.csv';
var csvData = '';
for (var i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
    csvData = csvData + '"' + headers[i] + '"' + ',';
csvData = csvData + "\r\n";
var customTable = new GlideRecord('ua_custom_table_inventory');
while ( {
    var counter = aggregateCount(customTable.getDisplayValue('table_name'));
    var date = getLatestRecord(customTable.getDisplayValue('table_name'));
    csvData = csvData + '"' +
        customTable.getDisplayValue('table_name') + '",' +
        '"' + customTable.getDisplayValue('app_name') + '",' +
        '"' + counter + '",' +
        '"' + date + '"';
    csvData = csvData + "\r\n";
//attach the file to this record.
var grRec = new GlideRecord("sys_script_fix");
grRec.addQuery("name", 'Custom Table Tracker'); // Note this should be the name of this Fix Script
if ( {
    var grAttachment = new GlideSysAttachment();
    grAttachment.write(grRec, fileName, 'application/csv', csvData);
function aggregateCount(table) {
    var gaCount = new GlideAggregate(table);
    var count = 0;
    if ( {
        count = gaCount.getAggregate('COUNT');
        return count;
    return count;
function getLatestRecord(table) {
    var latestDate = '';
    var latest = new GlideRecord(table);
    if ( {
        latestDate = latest.sys_created_on;
        return latestDate;
    return latestDate;

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